Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sweet Potato~

Ok, so im watching the sweet potato couple right now and awwwww,

Seohyun is such a good girl obsessed with self-discovery books and having good nutrients. And its so sweet to see them play music together especially when they are both so talented in this area.

I didnt really like Yonghwa in You're Beautiful, but now when I see this cute playful side of him I go awww, but he seems to be the kind of guy who knows how to flirt and make girls happy. And I think his teeth are so cute!

There you go, to start watching the Sweet Potato Couple~

I hope Yonghwa doesnt end up breaking Seohyun's heart since afterall, he is her first guy!


Sweet Potato~

Ok, so im watching the sweet potato couple right now and awwwww,

Seohyun is such a good girl obsessed with self-discovery books and having good nutrients. And its so sweet to see them play music together especially when they are both so talented in this area.

I didnt really like Yonghwa in You're Beautiful, but now when I see this cute playful side of him I go awww, but he seems to be the kind of guy who knows how to flirt and make girls happy. And I think his teeth are so cute!

There you go, to start watching the Sweet Potato Couple~

I hope Yonghwa doesnt end up breaking Seohyun's heart since afterall, he is her first guy!


Sinopsis Jumong Episode 54

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 54Dae So dikurung dalam penjara. Pelayan Wan Ho mengantarkan makanan untuk Dae So dan mengarakan bahwa Pangeran Jumong sedang berada di BuYeo."Jumong?!" seru Dae So. "Apa yang Jumong lakukan disini?!""Yang Mulia mengirim Jenderal Heuk Chi untuk menjemput Pangeran Jumong." kata pelayan Wan Ho.Dae So sangat terkejut dan marah. Ia membanting makanan yang dibawakan pelayan Wan

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 53

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 53Jenderal Heuk Chi menceritakan pada Jumong dan yang lainnya mengenai kegilaan Dae So di BuYeo. Bahwa Dae So tega membunuh orang-orang tidak berdosa dan Yang mulia mencoba untuk merebut tahta kembali."Lalu kenapa kau membawa pasukan kemari?" tanya Jumong."Pangeran Dae So memerintahkan aku untuk menangkapmu, tapi aku kemari bukan untuk berperang dengan Pasukan Da Mul."

Sinopsis God of Study Episode 16 Finale (Spoiler)

Rekap/Sinopsis God of Study Episode 16 Finale (Spoiler)Soo Jung dan Seok Ho sangat cemas menunggu hasil yang didapatkan anak-anak.Bong Goo keluar."Bong Goo..." ujar Soo Jung cemas.Bong Goo hanya terdiam dengan wajah bengong. Tiba-tiba ia terjatuh lemas di lantai."Dia pasti sangat sedih." kata Ma Ri.Pul Ip keluar dan tersenyum. "Dia hanya sangat bahagia." katanya. "Bong Goo... lolos."Soo Jung

Style Korean Drama [Detail,Synopsis,OST Download]

Style Korean Drama and Style Drama OST
Broadcast Network : SBS
Director : Oh Jong Rok / 오종록
Scriptwriter : Ku Ji Won, Moon Ji Young
Novelist : Baek Young Ok / 백영옥
Producer : Yeh In Munhwa / 예인문화
Cast : Ryu Si Won / 류시원, Lee Ji Ah / 이지아, Kim Hye Soo / 김혜수, Lee Yong Woo / 이용우, Han Chae Ah / 한채아, Kim Si Hyang / 김시향
Episode :16 episode
Debuts 1 August 2009

Seo Jung Lee recently merged with a

Tuesday, March 30, 2010




More Fail.

MOAR FAIL. Some matching shoes please.



Anyway some snsd goodness..Run Devil Run Story Version!

I kind of like the bitchy part! ;)

go snsd!





More Fail.

MOAR FAIL. Some matching shoes please.



Anyway some snsd goodness..Run Devil Run Story Version!

I kind of like the bitchy part! ;)

go snsd!


Sinopsis God of Study Episode 15

Sinopsis/Rekap God of Study Episode 15Baek Hyun mengambil jeruknya yang terjatuh. Namun tiba-tiba sebuah taksi lewat dan melindas jeruk-jeruknya. Ia tidak sadar bahwa yang menaiki taksi itu adalah neneknya. Agar Baek Hyun tidak cemas, maka neneknya menolak untuk bertemu dengan Baek Hyun."Baek Hyun, kau harus mengerjakan ujian dengan baik." pikir Nenek seraya menatap Baek Hyun dari jendela

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 52

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 52Matahari tertutup oleh bulan dan angin bertiup dengan sangat kencang.Geum Wa dan semua orang di istana BuYeo terkejut melihat gerhana matahari itu."Matahari BuYeo menghilang!" seru Wan Ho cemas."Ini pertanda bahwa bencana akan datang!" kata pejabat BuYeo.Dae So kelihatan sangat panik.Di tempat lain, pasukan Da Mul juga terkejut melihat kejadian itu."Jika matahari

Sinopsis God of Study Episode 14

Sinopsis/Rekap God of Study Episode 14Guru-guru SMA Byung Moon terkejut melihat nilai murid-murid kelas khusus yang meningkat dengan drastis, bahkan Bong Goo mendapat nilai tertinggi.Tiba-tiba ayah Bong Goo datang dengan terengah-engah dan panik."Ada apa?" tanya Seok Ho, masuk ke ruangan itu."Apa yang harus kami lakukan pada Bong Goo?" tanya ayah Bong Goo panik.Ayah Bong Goo mengajak Soo Jung dan

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 51

Sinopsis Jumong Episode 51Kembalinya Young Po ke BuYeo membawa kembali permusuhan lama. Young Po merasa dendam dan ingin menjatuhkan Dae So.Yang Jung tiba di Changchun. Para petinggi disana menyambutnya dengan terpaksa. Yang Jung meminta agar Changchun menyediakan baja dua kali lipat dari biasanya."Semua warga kami, kecuali wanita dan anak-anak, sudah bekerja di pertambangan." kata petinggi

Monday, March 29, 2010

God of Study Episode 13

Sinopsis/Rekap God of Study Episode 13Seok Ho datang dan memotret semua yang terjadi di bar Pul Ip."Aku memotret sebagai barang bukti!" kata Seok Ho. "Aku akan menuntut kalian dengan tuduhan mengganggu ketenangan umum dan menghancurkan kepemilikan pribadi. Kalian akan dikenai hukuman denda 7 juta won.""Siapa paman ini?" tanya wanita-wanita itu."Aku adalah Kang Seok Ho, pengacara!"Wanita-wanita

Full House (Korean Comic) to Become Animated 3D Film

Korean Comics "Full House" better known throughout Asia by the TV adaptation starring pop star Rain and actress asia Song Hye-kyo, Full House will be developed into a 3D animated film, according to the producers on Thursday.

Dream Pictures 21 announced that the big screen version of "Full House" will combine 2D and 3D animation techniques, it will become the first Korean comic book to be turned

Sinopsis Jejoongwon Episode 20

"Ayah... aku tidak bisa menerima pinangan itu." kata Seok Ran."Seok Ran, apa kau sakit?" tanya Nyonya Yoo."Nona, hal seperti ini bukan sesuatu yang bisa kau tolak." bujuk Mak Saeng."Seok Ran, seperti yang tadi sudah kukatan, pinangan pernikahan bukan...""Ya, aku tahu." potong Seok Ran. "Aku tahu aku tidak bisa menolak dan... aku tahu dengan baik apa artinya kehadiran Tuan Muda untuk keluarga kita

Sinopsis Jejoongwon Episode 19

Bandit menembakkan peluru ke arah Hwang Jung dan Seok Ran.Hwang Jung dan Seok Ran menunduk untuk melindungi diri, kemudian berlari pergi."Kejar mereka!" teriak pemimpin bandit.Hwang Jung dan Seok Ran berlari, namun mendadak Seok Ran terpeleset dan jatuh berguling-guling ke bukit."Nona, kau tidak apa?" tanya Hwang Jung, membantu Seok Ran berdiri.Mereka bersembunyi."Sudah, biarkan saja mereka."

Sinopsis Jejoongwon Episode 18

"Mulai saat ini, aku bukan lagi seorang bangsawan." kata Do Yang.Do Yang, Kyu Hyun dan Chung Hwan di sebuah ruangan di Jejoongwon."Kenapa kau melakukan ini?" tanya Chung Hwan. "Aku malu karena pernah menjadi gurumu."Kyu Hyun memegangi rambut Do Yang sudah terpotong. "Apakah ini tidak bisa disambung lagi?""Paman." ujar Do Yang. "Hal yang sudah terjadi tidak bisa diulang lagi. Lagipula aku tidak

Sunday, March 28, 2010

echo echo echo in my mind!

Annyeong super-kpopers! How ya doing people.

Apparently i cant tag on our tagboard for some insane reasons, and im too lazy to go resolve the problems. So..HELLO PEOPLE ON THE TAGBOARD! Thanks for all da tagging and all da love and all da support. so sorry if u are waiting forever for a reply, here is it! i will TRY to reply one by one...sorry if i missed anyone's out!

( i'll start from the 3rd page, and will skip those w/o proper nickname.)

Kawaii: =>.<= Labbbbb u MWAHHH! ^.^
Super-kpop(doreen) : LABB U TOOxxx.

loverssssss: I hereby declare im a fan of SNSD and KARA!!!!!! Anyone one with me???
Super-kpop(doreen): im with u! the snsd part! ;)

lani jane: i really love Kpop!
Super-kpop(doreen): me too!

cl: hi....gud luk im ur fan
Super-kpop(doreen): u r CL's fan or our fan?! Thanks for tagging though! ^^

nai: who is the fattest among snsd members?
Super-kpop(doreen): none...really. :)

erika: hellow
Super-kpop(doreen): heeeeeya. new on our tagboard?!

passerby: is sunny the second child?
Super-kpop(doreen): hmm...not too sure...!

SNSD fan: hi, will you be making any SNSD Oh hp wallpaper?
Super-kpop(doreen): hmm...dont think so will be making Oh! how about run devil run hp wallie?

nurDDOS: hye, blogwalking. nice blog here. i hope you can come out with more wallpapers, esp shinee's
Super-kpop(doreen): Hello...yes we will! do check back!

goichi: oh!good^^nice to meet you
Super-kpop(doreen): annyeonnggg!

LUV TVFXQ: halooo....i want 2 shout that I very9 luv TVFXQ...
Super-kpop(doreen): hello Luv TVFXQ. They love you too!

Jackaaay: hiii there, i love your layouuts ! i wonder if you have any kpop blogger layouts..? thanks :]
Super-kpop(doreen): blogger layouts....? None at this moment. :( thanks for loving our layouts!

K-Pop-Boy-Hangai: hi
Super-kpop(doreen): hi hi fellow kpop lover. :)

MsJessicaJung: HELLO
Super-kpop(doreen): HELLO JESSICA JUNGGGGGG! pabo!

Hidayah ( SOO YOUNG ! :D ): TEAM SOOYOUNG ! RUN DEVIL DEVIL RUN RUN ! Super-kpop(doreen): RUN DEVIL DEVIL RUN RUN!!! buy their repackage album at super--market! hehehe!

shineefangirl1209: thankyou for all this great stuff! but just to let you know, some of your sheet music (that i really want) has something wrong with the download link.
Super-kpop(doreen): please state which sheet music u want. i will reupload again. ;)

Alison: OMG. JEALOUS! I want them to have a concert here too D:

Super-kpop(doreen): to make u even more jaelous...THE CONCERT WAS AWESOME! HAHAHAH! u can fly back to KL for SS3!!!!! COME BACK SG PLS.

raymond.: hehe.
Super-kpop(doreen): haha. what? hello anyway!

YAY! Looking forward to see moar moar moar tags from you people!!

Anyway, i've made some blinkies! Do feel free to use them anywhere, but PLEASE DO CREDIT!!!!

Super Junior - Weeh! Only 13 forever.



I've made sj version of this blinkes before! Its the power of 9 this time!

tata. cya!


echo echo echo in my mind!

Annyeong super-kpopers! How ya doing people.

Apparently i cant tag on our tagboard for some insane reasons, and im too lazy to go resolve the problems. So..HELLO PEOPLE ON THE TAGBOARD! Thanks for all da tagging and all da love and all da support. so sorry if u are waiting forever for a reply, here is it! i will TRY to reply one by one...sorry if i missed anyone's out!

( i'll start from the 3rd page, and will skip those w/o proper nickname.)

Kawaii: =>.<= Labbbbb u MWAHHH! ^.^
Super-kpop(doreen) : LABB U TOOxxx.

loverssssss: I hereby declare im a fan of SNSD and KARA!!!!!! Anyone one with me???
Super-kpop(doreen): im with u! the snsd part! ;)

lani jane: i really love Kpop!
Super-kpop(doreen): me too!

cl: hi....gud luk im ur fan
Super-kpop(doreen): u r CL's fan or our fan?! Thanks for tagging though! ^^

nai: who is the fattest among snsd members?
Super-kpop(doreen): none...really. :)

erika: hellow
Super-kpop(doreen): heeeeeya. new on our tagboard?!

passerby: is sunny the second child?
Super-kpop(doreen): hmm...not too sure...!

SNSD fan: hi, will you be making any SNSD Oh hp wallpaper?
Super-kpop(doreen): hmm...dont think so will be making Oh! how about run devil run hp wallie?

nurDDOS: hye, blogwalking. nice blog here. i hope you can come out with more wallpapers, esp shinee's
Super-kpop(doreen): Hello...yes we will! do check back!

goichi: oh!good^^nice to meet you
Super-kpop(doreen): annyeonnggg!

LUV TVFXQ: halooo....i want 2 shout that I very9 luv TVFXQ...
Super-kpop(doreen): hello Luv TVFXQ. They love you too!

Jackaaay: hiii there, i love your layouuts ! i wonder if you have any kpop blogger layouts..? thanks :]
Super-kpop(doreen): blogger layouts....? None at this moment. :( thanks for loving our layouts!

K-Pop-Boy-Hangai: hi
Super-kpop(doreen): hi hi fellow kpop lover. :)

MsJessicaJung: HELLO
Super-kpop(doreen): HELLO JESSICA JUNGGGGGG! pabo!

Hidayah ( SOO YOUNG ! :D ): TEAM SOOYOUNG ! RUN DEVIL DEVIL RUN RUN ! Super-kpop(doreen): RUN DEVIL DEVIL RUN RUN!!! buy their repackage album at super--market! hehehe!

shineefangirl1209: thankyou for all this great stuff! but just to let you know, some of your sheet music (that i really want) has something wrong with the download link.
Super-kpop(doreen): please state which sheet music u want. i will reupload again. ;)

Alison: OMG. JEALOUS! I want them to have a concert here too D:

Super-kpop(doreen): to make u even more jaelous...THE CONCERT WAS AWESOME! HAHAHAH! u can fly back to KL for SS3!!!!! COME BACK SG PLS.

raymond.: hehe.
Super-kpop(doreen): haha. what? hello anyway!

YAY! Looking forward to see moar moar moar tags from you people!!

Anyway, i've made some blinkies! Do feel free to use them anywhere, but PLEASE DO CREDIT!!!!

Super Junior - Weeh! Only 13 forever.



I've made sj version of this blinkes before! Its the power of 9 this time!

tata. cya!
